
Consultation on the proposal for Ladysmith Infant and Junior Schools to join St. Christopher’s Trust: Friday 19th April to Monday 20th May 2024

The Governors of Ladysmith Federation have been exploring different options for forming a formal partnership with a Multi-Academy Trust or larger Federation over the last few months. After careful consideration, we have decided to propose joining St Christopher's Trust, a local and well-established Multi Academy Trust.

We believe that this is a positive and exciting opportunity for our schools, as it will enable us to work more closely with other schools in the Trust, benefit from their expertise and support, and access more resources and opportunities for our staff and pupils. We also believe that joining St Christopher's Trust will help us to maintain and enhance the unique character and ethos of our schools, as well as our relationships with our families and community.

However, before we make a final decision, we want to hear from you. We value your views and feedback, and we want to answer any questions or concerns you may have. That is why we are launching a consultation period from Friday 19th April to Monday 20th May 2024, during which you can share your thoughts with us.

If there is more you want to know or are not sure about you can email or speak to a senior leader or Governor in your school.  The email will be monitored, and we will aim to respond within two working days.

Members of the governing body will be available at each of the Infant and Junior School Parents evenings during the week commencing the 22 April, where you can talk through the changes informally.

In addition, you’re welcome to join us for a coffee on:

o   15th May between 3pm to 4pm in the Infant School Hall

o   17th May between 3pm to 4pm in the Junior School Hall

At these sessions you will be able to chat informally with Governors, School Heads and St Christopher’s Trust senior staff.

The two documents below show some of the most frequently asked questions and those questions that have been raised as part of the consultation so far.